Saturday, October 20, 2012


A little etiquette goes a long way

          In the web article "Blog Etiquette in the Educational System" written by, Dean Lodes it is explained how students and teachers should go about posting a blog and the manner in which they are to compose the literary works in proper form. The rules of blogging are outlined as strict and to be followed precisely. Also included in the blog etiquette article are examples of improper and proper commenting. A list of pros and cons can be found within the website as well. One of the examples of etiquette is a list of teacher/classroom blog pros and cons and a student blog with a list of pros and cons. Interactive links are on the website and allow the user to practice and review correct blog etiquette. Once the correct choice is made the user may advance to the next question to practice their blog etiquette.

          As far as giving someone a basic crash course in blog etiquette the website and article are very handy and keep a person from falling asleep while reading. The interaction forces one into actually reading the etiquette and rules of blogging. If anyone needs a quick crash course in online etiquette this blog will get you there.

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